Are we switching from woodle?

Nothing has been decided yet.  The group is only gathering information about how woodle is or is not meeting our current needs.

Why are you conducting a small pilot of Canvas?

After reviewing the results of our focus groups and surveys, the group felt that in order to make an informed report about elearning solutions we needed to test at least one alternative  in comparison to woodle.  The main question we will ask after the pilot is: are the features and user interface significantly better than woodle?

How was Canvas selected as a pilot program?

The group reviewed the systems in use by our peer institutions, talked with colleagues at various institutions about their choices, learned about the market leading systems and narrowed the choice down to two: Canvas and Sakai.  The version of Sakai we found most promising will not be available for testing until the spring of 2012.

How will a final decision be made, and by when?

There is no immediate decision that is going to be made.  The eLearning Group will submit a report to the Library Information Resources and Technology Committee (LIRTC) and the Chief Information and Planning Officer in early spring 2012. This report will simply answer the question: How well is woodle serving The College of Wooster? The CIPO, in consultation with the Provost, will determine any next steps.

If the decision is made that we should change our current offerings, what will the process be to determine those offerings?

It is premature to indicate if that process will take place and, if so, what that process will look like.

What is the overall satisfaction with woodle on campus?

According to the data we collected, faculty are generally happy with woodle and students even more.  Roughly 75% of faculty are very satisfied or satisfied with woodle while roughly 90% of students are very satisfied or satisfied with woodle.  In a survey from 2009 roughly 89% of faculty indicated that woodle is beneficial to student learning. For more specific information please consult the feedback/reports page.